Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Christmas Advent Calendar

Congratulations Room 8/26 on a wonderful year of learning in Year 2!

Thank you for being so amazing in Room 8/26 this year. I have had a wonderful time teaching you! I am going to miss you all so much next year!

Here is a Christmas advent calendar I have made for you to enjoy with your family at home:

Advent Calendar

Have a great break with your family!

Miss Moston

Monday, November 13, 2017

I am learning my basic facts

We have been learning our basic facts in class. On the ipads I can play the game, slide maths, with my friends to practice. I loved playing this and look forward to getting better at my maths!

Friday, November 3, 2017

I am learning to retell the story.

"I am learning to put it in the right order. I found it tricky to do nothing. The next step for me is to move up to the Angry Birds."


I am learning to create and use simple graphic organisers with support

We have been learning how to use popplet on the laptops/ ipads. This is my brainstorm about my bedroom. 

"I am learning to think of ideas for my writing. I am proud of myself for spelling the words right. It can be tricky to spell animal but I tried my best to sound it out."

Monday, October 30, 2017

Art Exhibition 2017

For the 2017 Elm Park School Art Exhibition we created our own butterflies. Here is my painted butterfly and also my Kidpix butterfly.

"I am proud of my butterfly because my antennas made it better. I found it tricky to do  the body because I tried my best."

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I am learning to write a cinquain poem

We have been learning how to write cinquain poems. We will be successful when we:
  •  use descriptive language
  •  follow the structure of a cinquain poem. 
  •  not repeat the same words.

A cinquain poem is made up of 5 lines. 
This first line is one word (title).
The second line is two describing words.
The third line is three verbs (doing words).
The fourth line is four words to describe a feeling. 
The fifth line is one word.

This cinquain poem is on my favourite colour!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

I am learning to use reading eggs independently

Reading Eggs is one of our favourite activities to play on the laptops.

"I like listening to the songs because I like all of them. I can sing along. I find it tricky to do the driving tests because I sometimes get words wrong. I can try to do more spelling tests at home."

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

We are learning to tell the time.

In Room 8/26 we have been learning how to tell the time. We have been focusing on o'clock and half past. 

Check out our awesome clocks we made next time you are in the classroom.

Celebrating Matariki in Room 8/26

Matariki is the Maori New Year, it is an important Maori celebration. The seven stars that make up Matariki are Matariki, Tupu-a-nuku, Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-a-rangi and Ururangi. There are lots of different ways to celebrate Matariki such as through music, songs, food and family.       

In Room 8/26 we celebrated Matariki by having a feast, making star cookies, reflecting on our goals for the term, learning a waiata (song) and going to the Auckland Museum to learn more about Matariki.

Friday, June 23, 2017

WALT write describing words

Its mouth has a triangle but it has no line at the bottom. Its whiskers are white and long. It's skin is snowy and has some black on its face. Its ears hear from 9 metres away. My cat has spots on its ears, Its eyes are blue like the sea. When I scare it it scratches me with its sharp claws.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

We are learning how to catch and pass small balls.

For PE we have been learning how to catch and pass small balls. 

To pass the ball we need to have our hands up in the shape of a W and push the ball out from our chest. To catch the ball we need to have our hands up ready.

We have been showing our school value of Resilience by not giving up.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

I am learning to count backwards to solve subtraction problems.

"I am learning to count down. I am proud of myself for doing all the answers. I find it tricky to guess what number it is, sometimes I don't know the number before."

Saturday, May 20, 2017

I am learning to answer questions to show my understanding.

"I am learning about answering question. I am proud of myself for being able to answer all the questions because I can read the book so I know the answers. I find it tricky to read some words because i mix up the words like 'and' and 'the'."

Monday, May 15, 2017

I am learning to use describing words

I see fireworks in celebrations. In birthdays we have cake. At halloween I go trick or treating. At christmas I get presents. On Friday it was the schools birthday. I saw a cake. We had party hats.

"I am really proud of my writing because I tried hard to make it look nice and neat. I used the word cards to help me spell the words correctly. Next time I could try even harder to write them neater."

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017

I am learning to use my senses to help me with my writing.

In class we have been using the Quiver App on the ipads. First, we coloured in our animal and then we used the ipads to make it come to life. For writing we used some of our senses to help us write about our animal.

"I liked writing about the pukeko because the pukeko looked cute. I can get better at using finger spaces and sounding out some words."

Monday, February 27, 2017

I am learning how to read graphs and talk about them

For Maths we have been learning all about Statistics in Room 26/8. We have been learning about bar graphs, pie graphs and pictographs. I am learning how to read the graph and talk about the results.

"Helena because her bar goes all the way up to 12. It is easy because I can look at the lines and count up to 12."

Thursday, February 23, 2017

I am learning how to float using a noodle

This term we are learning Water Skills
. We are learning how to get in and out of the pool properly and how to be safe in and around water.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Welcome to my 2017 Learning Journey

This year I am in Room 26/8 and my teacher is Miss Moston.